Recent Opportunities

Outpatient Physical or Occupational Therapy Summer2025

Posted: 3/11/25 | Location: Lexington, South Carolina

Helping Physical and Occupational Therapists with day to day patient care. Some equipment cleaning involved

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Outpatient Physical or Occupational Therapy Fall 2025

Posted: 3/11/25 | Location: Lexington, South Carolina

Helping Physical and Occupational Therapists with day to day patient care. Some equipment cleaning involved

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Public Health Financesmall

Online Continuous

To meet the learning objectives of this course, you will spend approximately 3 hours completing the course.

This course explores how public health is financed. It also introduces you to the issues that influence resource availability at federal, state, and local levels for public health practitioners.The course includes an overview of the grant application process as well. As a participant, you will become familiar with the grant development process and gain an in-depth understanding of the role of grants in public health.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the basic concepts of public health financing.
  • Use the grant development process to outline a grant proposal or a performance management project.
  • Explain the influence of public health financing on the public’s health.
  • Conduct basic financial analysis.


Office of Academic Affairs
915 Greene St, Suite 508
Columbia, SC 29208
Phone: 803-777-0988
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